

269 / ¥ 259.01

1. 全球化国家、省、市、区(可无限分级)管理
2. 多级联动,国家,省,市,区域多层区动态选择
3. 在往来单位,客户,供应商管理中,方便的管理省市区联动
4. 中国城市及区划数据,城市区划编码使用《统计用区划代码和城乡划分代码编制规则》(国统字〔2009〕91号)编制,省份编码增加 ISO 3166-2 编码,便于处理地图大数据

¥ 2,615.51 2615.51 CNY ¥ 300.95

¥ 300.95

优惠: 中国用户9折 538元礼品卡

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运输:2-3 个工作日

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

For partner, customer, supplier, easy select city from in fix state in fix country. Dynamic select

Latest update: v16.23.03.09

China City, Chinese city divisions region,
Key features:
  • 1. Multi language City, state management.
  • 2. Dynamic select city from list only in fix state.
  • 3. For partner, customer, supplier, easy select city from in fix state in fix country.
  • 4. Chinese city and area data.
  • 11. Multi-language Support.
  • 12. Multi-Company Support.
  • 13. Support Odoo 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, Enterprise and Community Edition.

1. City, state management.

Manage city

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

set the state, area code, and parent area of city(city is also an area)

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

3. For partner, customer, supplier, easy select city from in fix state in fix country.

setup the country which need to use city manager

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

Manage the customer or supplier , setup the city and state.

China City, Chinese city divisions region,
China City, Chinese city divisions region,

4. Chinese city and area data.

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

State Manage.

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

City Manage.

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

Multi-language Support..

China City, Chinese city divisions region,

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


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版本 16.013.0