


要使用条形码扫描器,您必须在库存应用中启用此功能。转到 库存 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置,在:guilabel:条形码`部分,勾选 :guilabel:`条形码扫描器 并保存。


Once enabled in Inventory, you can use the barcode feature in Point of Sale with products that have a barcode number assigned.

Assign barcodes

To your products

To use this feature in POS, your products must have barcodes assigned. To do so, go to Point of Sale ‣ Products ‣ Products and open a product form. Add a barcode number in the Barcode field in the General Information tab.

To your employees

To add an identification number to an employee, go to the Employees app and open an employee form. Choose an identification number for your employee and fill in the PIN Code field in the HR Settings tab.

Use barcodes


Scan a product’s barcode using a barcode scanner. Doing so adds it directly to the cart. To change the quantity, scan a product as many times as needed, or click Qty and enter the number of products using the keypad.

You can also enter the barcode number manually in the search bar to look for the product. Then, click it to add it to the cart.

Log employees

You can also use a barcode scanner to log your employees. To do so, restrict access to the POS and use barcodes to log your employees in your POS.